The North Sea as seen from Holyrood Park
In order to appreciate Edinburgh, I want to describe our drive there. We left Newcastle in the morning and headed north. I have to say, as you head north through England, the landscape gets more and more beautiful. It becomes more hilly, the grass turns a more vibrant green, sheep are reminded me of Kentucky, but with more of a pop. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the KY rolling hills and scenery. This was that, but more of it. And the sheep were a fun addition. And I have to can't do it justice. They just can't.
Welcome to Scotland! (look at those cute shadows)
Scotland!!! The sun shines bright on my old...oops, wrong location
Seriously, you can't see Scotland without seeing bagpipes...and lots of them. Almost became old hat while we were there.
Edinburgh Castle...we stayed a 5 minute walk from here. We never went inside. :)
View from an Edinburgh street
The Hub - about 2 minutes from our lodging
The Hub, from the back?!?! I can't remember
2 cutie pies at the bottom of the Scott Monument
The Scott Monument
Scottish humor
View of the city from Princess Street Gardens
Another view of the city
National Museum of Scotland
My beautiful baby girl
This guy loves Carnival masks
His arch nemesis
Goofing around at the art museum
Queen's Gallery
Holyrood Hill
Holyrood House (someone was tired and miserable at this point)
Joe climbing the trail with a loch in the background
View from Holyrood Park
Protesters outside Holyrood Park
Kids' room/Living room
Master bedroom
NARROW kitchen
Boys' futon
View from the living room windows
Queen's Gallery
Holyrood Hill
Holyrood House (someone was tired and miserable at this point)
Joe climbing the trail with a loch in the background
View from Holyrood Park
Protesters outside Holyrood Park
Confession time: half of us did not make the trek to Holyrood Park. We were tired, had sore legs and just wanted to take a nap or watch tv. So, we went back to the apartment while the others saw the spectacular views. Well, 2 of the others. One of them sat on a bench at the bottom of the trail. She also had a struggle when we went out for dinner that night. When in Europe, you walk. Everywhere. Her legs were sore for days.
Here are a few pics of the apartment we rented for the 2 nights. It was in the perfect location, just above the Jolly Judge pub. ;)
Master bedroom
NARROW kitchen
Boys' futon
View from the living room windows
View from the living room windows (sorry for poor focused on the dirt on the windows)
So, the food we had in Edinburgh was the most interesting. LOL. We ate American food. Almost exclusively American food. We had American pizza for lunch the second day (sorry Italy...but it was nice having a thick crust and different toppings...we still love your pizza), American pub food for dinner, breakfast at the apartment, and our final dinner was at an English pub, of sorts. I am not sure what to call it. I had a jacket potato and Joe had some sort of meat pie. Pub sounds as good as anything. Joe and I also had a beer and cider at the Jolly Judge one night while J Jr. babysat. It is nice to have a teenager around. ;)
I never realized wings were attributed to Kentucky! We rock!! (at the American diner the first evening)
Goodbye Edinburgh...until we meet again...