Monday, August 23, 2010

Exploration Day

Today was Big J's "Exploration Day" in his curriculum.  Once each week he has a day to go outside and enjoy God's creation.

I believe this part of the curriculum is the most needed and the most misunderstood.  Alot of people look at me like I have 5 heads and they are all purple when I tell them about exploration day.  After all, their beautiful children are stuck in a school for 6-7 hours every day and barely get a 20-minute recess.  Why on earth does my child deserve an exploration day?

This beautiful day is all about enjoying being a kid, enjoying what God has created and learning a thing or two about science in our everyday lives.  Before we headed out, Big J made a Lake Model, we made clouds and rain and we made a rain gauge.  Boo also got in touch with her nature side since her task for today was to do leaf rubbings (which were great fun...not to brag or anything, but mine were pretty good!) and we took a peak at her pressed leaves as well.  So fun!

Since they have been outside they have played in both of our sandboxes (my kids are spoiled), played in the kiddie pool, chased butterflies, kept track of Little J (a daunting task), are torturing some ants right now and have just enjoyed this beautiful day.  Peppered throughout the day Mommy reminds them that God made all this wonderful stuff and about His Creation...they might pay attention, they might not.  The wondrous thing about it is just that they are able to enjoy it and that our beautiful world is good.  Thank you, God, for your creation and thank you for my beautiful, healthy, smart children!

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